
The Growing Concern of Data Hacks and Breaches on ECommerce Platforms

And as the eCommerce industry continues to grow, customers are now relying on it to buy their essential products. But, this increased dependence also opens the opportunity for hackers to breach these platforms and access the sensitive and vital information of customers. 

In October 2017, the data breach at Equifax led to more than 143 million American consumers' information going out in the open. And that is just one of the biggest data breaches in the last 5 years. There have been many instances where consumers have lost their data to hackers. 

Some of the Biggest Data Breaches and Hacks You Need to Know About

Major data breaches have become more frequent in the last five years. As businesses are rapidly moving towards digitalization, data has become their most valuable resource. Hackers and cybercriminals know the importance of data, which is why they try to steal it and sell it to the highest bidder. Here are some of the most notable data breaches that happened in the last few years: 

  • May 2016 - A data breach into the 117 million LinkedIn passwords 
  • May 2018 - More than 330 million Twitter passwords were saved in readable texts due to a glitch
  • December 2018 - Data of approximately 100 million Quora users was compromised

The frequency of these attacks has increased in recent years, and it raises the question of how it will impact the eCommerce industry. Almost all eCommerce platforms have personal and sensitive details about their customers, such as their banking and payment information. Therefore, it is vital for brands in the eCommerce industry to keep a close eye on data breaches and hacks. 

Protecting Your Store and Consumers with Technology 

Data breaches can shake up consumer confidence in your eCommerce brand. Therefore, brands need to take effective data security measures to protect their customers. A data breach of Target cost the company more than $162 million.  

Now consider if cybercriminals attack your store not just to steal data but to divert your users to malicious sites. It would have a devastating impact on your eCommerce business since you don't have the revenue of a major company like Target to deal with such a data breach. Consequently, your business couldn't sustain itself in the long run. 

Nevertheless, you can take some steps to ensure your online store is safe from hackers. These measures will stop the unauthorized browser-injected ads on your website.  

Remove Ad Injections

The first thing you need to do is secure the consumer's browser end. Most consumers will see a lot of unwanted ads and other content injected into your website through browser extensions. 

So, you need to identify what types of ads are appearing on your web page, or the extension may inject into your website. You need to remove these ads before they can show up to your customers since it is the only way to keep them safe from malicious websites. 

Get Help from Experts 

While many business owners want to protect their business from any possible data breach, they might not hire experts. They either think it's too expensive, or they have trouble trusting someone else with their firm's security. Nevertheless, experts can assess your entire eCommerce platform and tell you about aspects of your business that could lead to a data breach. 

Experts will often have a complete vetting process and the right skills that can ensure your eCommerce store is completely safe. If you have a small eCommerce store, then you can outsource this part to another firm. Outsourcing security saves you from having to hire and manage an internal team to take care of your firm's security.

Use Technology

Adware strains become a part of the digital space every minute, and the only way to deal with them is through Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML).  

Therefore, you need a brand like Conversion Guard that uses the technology and expertise of various professionals to keep your eCommerce website safe. 

Protecting Your Store's Business from Adware

Taking the right security measures can save your company from becoming a victim of a data breach. By using Conversion Guard's services, you can keep your business safe from hackers or other malicious actors. Not just that, you can also keep your competitors from taking away your customers. Here is what you get when using Conversion Guard: 

  • Removing all distractions to ensure a safe and secure checkout process for consumers 
  • Blocking any malicious or competitors' ads that appear on the consumers' end
  • Decrease bounce rates and enjoy a good conversion rate

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